Even when crickets have the healthiest gut load available, chameleons in my opinion, should have
at least some vitamin and calcium supplements in their diet. The main type used is in powdered form, and food items must be appropriately
covered in this powder (shaking food in a cup with the powder) before feeding your chameleon. The three main supplements you
should have, are a multivitamin supplement, and a calcium with vitamin D3 (without phosphorous) and a calcium supplement without
D3 or phosphorous. Keepers often use the calcium in a liquid form, however I am not entirely familiar with
this form and whether they inject it into the chameleons mouth, or add it to their water, I am unsure of, and could not make
an accurate statement.
Supplements should be given according to age and possibly size. It is a very debatable subject. Often
what works for one keeper may not work for others. The information I am providing was communicated to me by Jamie (on and has much success with this method. Although supplementation varies greatly depending on many
factors. Whether the chameleon gets direct sunlight, the type of foods you are feeding it, it's gut load, very many factors.
But in general this is what your chameleon should get getting.
Information provided by Jamie Frandsen:
Supplementing, feeding and chameleons are controversial subjects when thought of separately,
let alone when combined. There are many thoughts on what is correct and what is not. Truly, it is all very individual and
there is no right answer that could be given “in general” , your qualified chameleon veterinarian is the one to
seek for that advice.
There are many factors that affect the health of a chameleon, diet being one of the most important.
Optimal hydration, appropriate UV lighting, and a stress free environment also play key roles in the chameleon’s ability
to absorb and properly use supplements. Supplementing alone will not assure the health of your chameleon, it only aids you
in providing the best you possibly can. Too much supplementation can be fatal whether it be quickly, or over time. The effects
are difficult and in some cases impossible to reverse. More is not necessarily better.
supplementation schedule for most commonly kept chameleons (Veiled/Panther/Non-Montane) housed under Zoo Med’s Reptisun
5.0’s, receiving no natural sunlight . Prey items should be well gut loaded and all supplements should be used sparingly.
Note - Consider your feeding methods when dusting your prey items.
Free range prey may need a heavier coating than items being cup or hand fed. Suggested supplements: *-RepCal calcium with
D3, no phosphorous. * RepCal calcium without D3 or phosphorous. *VitAll. *MinerAll “O” (Outdoor-NO D3).
0-2 months
~Feed as many prey items as they will eat twice daily
~Calcium every day (beginning
at about 2 weeks). Alternate Calcium with D3 and MinerAll "O"
2-4 months
~Add a good vitamin once weekly
4-5 Months old
feeding to once a day
Between 8 and 10 months
~Calcium/MinerAll every other day. Alternate
between Calicum and D3 and MinerAll "O"
~Vitamins every two weeks
After 10 Months
feeding to every other day and gradually reduce amount given
~Calcium/MinerAll twice weekly. Alternate use of calcium
with D3 and MinerAll "O"
~Vitamins monthly
months and over
~Reduce amount of bugs given to 6-8 every 2 to 3 days.
~Calcium/MinerAll every 10-14
days. Alternate use of calcium with D3 and MinerAll "O"
~Vitamins monthly to every 6 weeks
* The insect count is
based on crickets. Most types of worms equal 2 crickets, and so 4 worms equal 8 crickets. *
** If chameleon is exposed
to natural sunlight, do not use ANY D3. **
***A Females diet should be somewhat restricted to avoid egg related problems.
During egg production and for a few weeks following, calcium and food supply should be slightly increased.***
Information provided by Jamie of
This chart is assuming you have an top quality gut load. A personal favourite gut
load I love and continue to use is from Canadian Feeders ( which can be used plain and just provide water for the crickets. However there are many
other quality gut loads available; such as WER or Another homemade recipe you can try is located
at Do not be afraid to go picky on what you feed your crickets, because everything that
goes into your food items will make it into your chameleon, so ensuring a highly nutritious gut load is fed to insects,
you can feel confident your chameleon is getting the nutrients it needs.
The two brands of supplement powder which many other keepers and myself use is Rep-Cal.
Reptivite is also another known brand. Again, choose wisely, and don't be afraid to be picky, and spend a little more on the
better supplements to ensure top notch quality.
Again special thanks to Jamie for this information!