What To Look For When Purchasing:
One of the most important aspects of acquiring a chameleon is to get a healthy, well taken
care of chameleon. Here is what to look for.
What to look for:
- Nice bulgy and round eyes
- Calm rested colour (varies from species)
- No open cuts or missing parts
- No bulges where they shouldn't be
- No missing nails
- Colour in mouth is all the same (no discoloured areas or bulginess)
- No smell in mouth
- Attentive
- Both eyes open
- No dark colours unless handling (dark exhibits stress)
- A nice grip when handling
- No points or broken bones visible
The list is rather lengthy, but if the chameleon exhibits even one of these symptoms, you are best
to shop elsewhere. It is also a good idea to ask to see the chameleon eat, and ask what the daily routine is at the place
you are purchasing it from. Even if there is a healthy animal in the same cage, it is likely best to purchase either from
a different cage or a different place altogether.
If the chameleon appears healthy but is in improper housing, it is best to shop elsewhere. Chameleons have a bad habit
of holding all symptoms of illness until it is too late.
If the store/breeder gives you information that doesn't sound right, chances are the chameleon
is unhealthy due to improper care; which unfortunately is the usual case with most pet stores. If you are unsure, take a picture
of the chameleon and send me an e-mail, I would be happy to help point out if I believe it's healthy or not.